Invalid authentication credentials. Please generate a new identifier:"

Ganesh Prasad
2 min readSep 3, 2020

Incase you get above error while pushing your code to GCP repository then do the following:

  1. Login
  2. After successful login it will return the following it will return git config script which looks like below

eval ‘set +o history’ 2>/dev/null || setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE 2>/dev/null
touch ~/.gitcookies
chmod 0600 ~/.gitcookies

git config — global http.cookiefile ~/.gitcookies

tr , \\t <<\__END__ >>~/.gitcookies,FALSE,/,TRUE,123456,o,git-<yourgcpaccountemail>=1//sdfsdfsfsfsdfd
eval ‘set -o history’ 2>/dev/null || unsetopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE 2>/dev/null

Run the above in your terminal and then it will allow to to push your code to repository.

Incase you want to trigger cloud build on push to repository then go to

Cloud build -> Trigger -> CREATE TRIGGER

